"Hey Dad, I just had some tater tots, pull my finger?" No that is not what Ty said in this frozen moment of time. We are just laughing while he fills these tiny plastic garbage cans with sand and dumps them back and forth between each other.
The living room of our house is really just a big playroom for Ty. Check out the castle set behind him that he gleefully snagged at the recent community yard sale. Too bad he doesn't like to smile for pictures.
This picture reminds me a little of that poster we used to see up in office cubes or dorm rooms a few years back with that cat hanging from a tree limb and the quote "Hang in there Baby!"
Out for a walk with Thomas the Train engine (thanks Aunt Murphy and Uncle John). Please note our grass is still green because in a few weeks everything in Austin will be brown for the rest of the summer.
Too many stuffed animals is never enough!
With today being Father's Day, I thought I'd take a break from the present and transport us back in time to June 2004 around the time of my first Father's Day with Ty. And just like back then, today we spent the afternoon in the pool. He has loved the water ever since he first dipped in.
Ty contemplates his work so far and decides carefully the next color chalk he will apply.
Perhaps the great master artists of the world began with chalk drawings in front of their houses too?
There is a really big park not far from where we live. A real scale model train known as the Cedar Rock Railroad runs on the weekends around the park in between soccer fields and through the woods. We have been on it several times and Ty loves when the engineer blows the whistle.
Ty and I had lunch at Fuddruckers. On the weekends they have a guy making balloon animals for the kids. He made Ty an airplane which he never let go of the whole time while eating.
We have a small sandbox set up in the back of the house. Ty likes to bring his little Bob the Builder trucks out there and play "construction". But apparently I need to understand that while he is busy "working" I am not supposed be sticking a camera in his face. No matter what age you are, this expression basically says what is on his mind.
Last post from the AZ trip... Ty loved to watch these lizards spitting water across at eachother. This was taken along the garden paths at the Four Seasons.
While we were out in AZ we went to the Phoenix Zoo. Ty's first chance to see some of the animals he sees in movies and books in person. We saw elephants, zebras and giraffes among others. But somehow the most fun he had was tossing a whole bunch of goldfish into the duck pond and watching them snag the crackers. Kid's got a good arm too.
Ty and I traveled to Scottsdale in March to visit with Gram and G-Pop. Here we are showing off how we make a moustache with drink straws. At home we usually do this with pretzel stix.
Welcome to my blog for Ty. I will try and post a few pictures here to catch everybody up from last few months. We welcome your comments. And to subscribe to the BLOG and automatically get updated, or to add to a customized Yahoo front page for example, add the RSS feed link on the sidebar.
Thanks and enjoy the photos!
Ty standing on the "drums" at the playground