Here's Ty showing off the beginning of his Cars happy meal collection. Because I refused to go to McD's every day to grab a new car, I snagged the rest of the group off ebay. Where would we be without that site? It has totally transformed our culture. Now of course, Ty believes that everytime we go to the mailbox, a new toy awaits. Ugh.
Walking around the mall on a hot Saturday afternoon in Austin is one way to beat the heat. We had also just watched "Cars" at the movies in the morning (note the Route 66 shirt for effect). Ty loved it so much, the cars characters have now taken over his room and his wardrobe as you will see in later posts. But here we take a break from walking and share a cookie. Anybody want a bite?
Ty's getting ready to serve up the beach volleyball to me inside the house. Amazing how much fun those free trinkets our vendors give away can be. It's also a good thing that it does no damage on errant shots.
Ty likes to get down and play with our cat George. Actually it has become more of tormenting George, but it's fun to watch. Not sure George is that into it.
We visited the Maritime Center in Norwalk , CT. Here's Ty doing his impression of a starfish. He also got to put his hands in the tank and try and touch a ray. But the coolest things he thought were the sharks and the giant turtles.
"Hey Dad, did you see that? Did you see the seal eat the fish and splash in the water?" Yes I did! We managed to catch one of the feeding times for the sea lions at the Central Park Zoo. Hey where's Marty the Zebra?
After visiting with GG, we headed to Central Park. Amazingly the loud buses and bumpy cobblestones along Fifth Avenue provided just the right ingredients to send Ty off to dreamland. So Dad parked himself on a bench while Ty and SpongeBob took their nap.
These next few posts return back to our recent NYC trip... Here we see Ty preparing to do his Superman impression and fly over this fountain in front of the Seagrams building.

A double dose of Ty for the 4th of July. Our community had a party over the weekend. He decked himself out in all the freebies we got and became fascinated with the pinwheel. Everytime the wind blew and it spun he giggled... priceless.
Juat a reminder here that we are not in chronological order, and that Ty's Dad is still catching up with some recent pics. This shot is from Gram and G-Pop's living room on a recent trip. We just love our cheese.