Ty turned 3 years old this week. It is really hard to imagine that it has been 3 years since the little guy was "hatched". Glancing through some of the pictures from those first few weeks it's just amazing the transformation that has taking place. Here is one of my favorite shots from just a few days after he came home from the hospital. All bundled up like a burrito and sleeping peacefully.
More target practice as Ty hurls goldfish crackers at the ducks. He started to get angry because they weren't eating all his crackers. But with a slew of other kids also feeding them, I think they were full.
There is this cute little log cabin type house also on the playground at Ty's new school. He quickly found his comfy spot and is ready to receive guests.
The playground at Ty's new school is really cool. They have made great re-use of tires and other equipment. Here we are crawling out of a large pipe.
Here's Ty practicing his rhythms outside on the "drums". Who knows, a future SXSW showcase could be held at our playground.
OK. These 100 degrees days here in Austin are getting old. When's Fall?