Ty has begun the final year of the three year primary cycle at his Montessori school. His transition back into the routine has gone smoothly so far which is a great relief to his Dad. He is eating his lunch, remembering to change his shoes when he goes outside, and not coming home looking like Pig Pen.
A lot of his friends are back too and we face the difficult challenge of already having to decide who comes to his birthday party about a month from now. Instead of just blanket inviting his whole class, this year we are being a bit more selective. Dad has learned from past experience that managing more than a dozen 3-5 year olds can prove quite hectic. No need for added stress.
Time to get that trim to be ready for school. There is a fun kids' haircut place near us called Snip-its and they take good care of Ty. His stylist was quite entertaining. She explained all the tattoos on her arm had been applied earlier in the day while she was bored waiting for her next appointment.
Ty's eyes are looking off to the side because he is watching a cartoon which keeps him nice and preoccupied so he doesn't squirm in the chair.
Get along little doggy. Ty and I went to the local rodeo in Georgetown recently with some friends from his school. Not the fan fare and rides that we expected from something like the big Star of Texas rodeo in Austin, but it was still fun. Ty went for multiple pony rides and that seemed to be his favorite part of the night.
One of his friends did the mutton busting (as a Yankee I needed a crash course on just what that was) and held on to the sheep for the longest time of the night. Yippee Kay-yay!
This was taken in the morning on our last day of the trip. Ty was bummed we couldn't go to the pool, but I explained all our clothes were packed and I didn't want to travel with a wet bathing suit. Our compromise was a game of miniature golf.
I don't know if I can count the actual minutes in the car we spent before Ty asked when we would return to Florida to go to Disney again. Perhaps that was a hint that he had a good time.
In order to get Ty to do this ropes course, I had to take the lead. The fun part of this picture was that Dad was going backwards one foot at a time to keep an eye on nervous Ty across this netted bridge. But I think the effort produced a pretty cool shot.
In real time it is August, but in blog land we are wrapping up the last full day of theme parks from our trip in June. We spent the day at Universal Studios' Islands of Adventure. If you want to pick one of their two parks and only have one day, pick this one. It is the most child friendly and the superheroes and Dr. Seuss sections make it a big winner.
I smartly read ahead and had Ty wear a bathing suit which worked out well as he ran around one of the attractions getting soaked and keeping cool. Dad didn't take his own advice and I ended up drenched later on Popeye's river ride and never quite dried off (thanks to Orlando's 95% humidity).