The Disney ice show we saw at the Alamodome was a lot of fun. It featured songs and scenes from The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Peter Pan, and Lilo and Stitch. And of course the whole gang of Mickey's friends.
We sat two rows off the ice on the floor of the arena.
Our smiling traveler on the banks of the Riverwalk. Not a big crowd behind us which made it easier to take pictures. We watched the tour boats float by for a few minutes and then headed over to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch.
Over Easter weekend Ty and I went down to San Antonio and the Riverwalk. I'll be posting a few more pictures from that day and our adventures with Mickey on Ice.
In this picture we were hanging out after the show having some ice cream. Ty insisted on getting the rainbow sprinkle covered cone. He didn't realize what he was getting himself into. But as you can see, he was clearly enjoying himself, and that's all that matters.
It was dangling for about three days. Wiggle, wiggle, twist, but no luck. That tooth was not going to come out by force. Ty made me promise to stop messing with it and let it come out naturally. So today at lunch while Ty chomped down on a hamburger, tooth #2 came out. Excitedly he ran to me ( I was not by his side at the time while we are at a school function ) and presented the tooth.
Dad carefully wrapped it up and the tooth has now been deposited under his pillow as we await the magic of the tooth fairy tonight.
If you did a keyword search on my blog for "monkey" I think it might get quite a few hits. I have posted Ty wearing monkeys on his shirts, playing with monkey toys, posing with stuffed monkeys, or just being called a monkey.
The second game of the season for Ty's soccer team found us out on the fields on an unusually cold day. The kids layered up and Ty had his stylish hat and gloves to keep those body parts warm.
He still managed to score a few goals and their team once again dominated. I liked this reaction shot of Ty on the field the most from that game. Once again you can click through for more images of that day.
After a round of miniature golf, Ty wanted more action. They had some mini go carts also at this play area so after much begging by Ty (it's fun to make it difficult for them sometimes), I agreed to let him have a go around the track. Ty has been in the cars before, but never alone. We had a quick lesson beforehand where I showed him how to press on the gas and then he was off.
In the beginning the coordination of pressing on the gas and steering at the same time was not happening. It was one or the other. Eventually he got in the groove and by the third or fourth lap he was going around the track smoothly and passing the other kids. He also got excited when cutting off other kids and sending them into the bumper walls. So I guess he's ready for video games, but not the real road.
A quick break from posting the AZ pictures to share our outing today. Ty and I attended the annual Spring Jamboree down at the UT football stadium. It was a beautiful day for pageantry and football.
Ty was all decked out in burnt orange including a new hat I snagged because the sun was very strong where we sat. He quickly got into the routine of raising the Hook 'Em Horns fingers every time the band struck up the Texas fight song.
Click through the image to see more shots from the event of Ty and the action on my flickr page.
Normally when you put Shaq up at the line to make that pressure foul shot, he chokes. But it seems wearing #32 has not hindered our young Ty-ger who easily drains the putt.
I gave no direction on how to pose other than telling Ty he needs to smile. Suddenly he starts this waist bend, hands on the hips thing and I am thinking "Work it Ty!"
Once we got out of the sun, Ty and I grabbed an ice cream cup which was served in a small plastic Dodgers helmet. We watched another inning from the shade of the overhang and then decided that was all we could take (four innings total). We stopped briefly to take this picture and then headed back to the resort for a swim.