So this post sounds more like a Dad thing than a Ty thing. Well sort of. Dad plays this fun location based icon gathering game on his iPhone called Gowalla. It just happens to be made by a team here in Austin. So when we heard there was going to be a small gathering of the local "fans" we dropped in for a visit. (See this special icon)
Ty and I went down to the Dog & Duck Pub and met some of the folks who actually build and market the game (like Sandi and Jon) as well as some avid players. Ty sat quietly and munched on a cheeseburger and fries while the group chatted about the game and upcoming features.
If you have never heard of it or are curious, I suggest you check it out. We also got to see the real Gowallamobile and got some stickers for Ty and a shirt for Dad (Thanks again Jon).
Here sits Ty on a famous sculpture in front of Barton Springs Pool called Philosophers' Rock. He insisted that he climb up there alone, but finally conceded to a boost because the metal was quite slippery. Do you think the men will notice him sitting there, or are they too engrossed in their own conversations?
One of the assignments for Ty's homework this week was to make a drawing about their favorite kind of weather. Interestingly for a kid who really has never seen snow, Ty chose this winter scene to create. The figures are us catching snowflakes.
Hey Uncle Casey, we may have another artist in the family.
We are so proud of Ty. He received another three dog tags (recognition awards) for the second quarter of the school year. They included: reading/writing, and star student in both music and PE.
Here he is receiving the tags from his school principal, while his teacher can be seen behind the podium in the background.
For those of you who have seen Ty recently, you know how impressive his reading skills are for Kindergarten. Maybe those years in the Montessori school had some positive affect on that (Pretty sure it did).
Another milestone for Ty today as tooth #5 has fallen out. It was super wiggly and loose at lunch and was so uncomfortable he couldn't eat his burger. So as soon as we got home it was time to wiggle it out. Some ice and a few tears later, it was out!
Now Ty is missing both of the top two teeth and looks like a young NHL star. If you look carefully, he is holding the tooth in his hand.
He is very excited about the tooth fairy visiting tonight. Glad that some traditions still carry on in the 21st century.