Friday, February 27, 2009

Light Magic

Ty got a hold of one of the pens I have that has an LED in it. We turned down the light as he made rainbows for me. With my point and shoot I was able to snag this.

Maybe next time I'll use my other camera and we will try and paint something in the air like Picasso did.


Isabella said...

That's awesome. The light photos like this always fascinate me. I'd be interested to see what else you guys come up with. :)

Joeprah said...

That is a cool picture...actually they both are. Nice catch, every time I grab the camera the kids go into 'show off' mode and blow the shot.

peteej said...

We take tons of these kinds of photos every July 4th. The kids swirl sparklers around and make some crazy designs. Well worth the time invested.

Craig said...

Nice photos. I wonder what Picasso was drawing, one armed man, spaghetti?